At WinBizSoulutionsIndia, we offer eBook formatting services at cost-effective prices. We use advanced tools and resources to deliver flawless eBooks that are ready for digital publishing.
Do you want ready-to-publish eBooks? Do you want your eBook to have a smooth flow of text and images? Do you want your Ebooks to be formatted as per the guidelines of eReaders such as Nook, ePub, iPhone, or PC-based readers like Mobipocket (.prc) and Kindle (.mobi)? We can help you with professional digital formatting services.
What makes our eBook formatting services stand out?
We use the standard design process that makes your eBook’s text and images have an attractive design layout for the audience to appreciate. We provide standard formatting support for eBooks that feature both re-flowable and dynamic design layouts for text and illustrations. Our services also include the following:
- Our formatting services are of high quality and so they generate an enjoyable reading experience for the users on Amazon Kindle, Nook, Sony eReaders, Barnes and Noble’s (and all popular eBook readers, mobile phones, tablets)
- Our professional eBook formatters use only unique templates to design your e-Book.
- Our skillful designers do a meticulous study of your uploaded manuscripts to produce a custom-layout that matches the genre and message of your book.
- Our expert ebook formatters choose the chapter headers, front and back content, title page design, and font size and type. These features give your script an aesthetic feel and performance that is expected from the best eBooks.
- We design a perfect discreet layout that makes your readers get immersed in your book.
Our eBook formatting packages include
Related Services
- Indexing
- Non-fiction formatting
- Decorative elements or textboxes
- Cover Design
- Illustration
- Book to eBook conversion
- Image editing
- Copyediting and proofreading
- Creation of tables, charts, graphs from raw data
The eBook formatting process at WinBizSolutionsIndia
We follow a typical 6-step formatting process for our clients, but the steps may vary as per specific requests. So, without any second thought, you can share your design ideas and styles with us, which can help us improve the feel of your e-Books. We have a competent team of professional designers who help us provide the best book formatting services to our clients. The steps are:
- The client uploads their eBook on a secure FTP path that we create for them.
- We study the digital files and select the best layout that matches the book theme or message.
- Next, we design the custom layout and send the eBook proof to the client for approval.
- We add all aesthetic elements including title page setup, front and back matter, and appropriate fonts.
- Our proficient QA team cross-checks the content, and if every feature looks and functions well, it gets approved for delivery.
- We send the final deliverables to the client or make them ready for being downloaded.
Benefits of Outsourcing eBook Formatting Services to Us
We guarantee agreement of copywriting protection, web guiding policies, and data security. When you outsource your formatting needs to us, you can enjoy a slew of benefits such as:
Why is WinbizSolutionsIndia the best eBook Formatting Service Provider?
WinBizSolutionsIndia is one of the leading providers of professional eBook formatting services. We, at WinBizSolutionsIndia, are committed to delivering the highest standard of services to our clients while setting quality benchmarks for every project that we handle. Our eBook formatting service portfolio includes
Outsource eBook formatting services to WinBizSolutionsIndia
WinBizSolutionsIndia is one of the leading service providers that offer the best eBook conversion services and ebook formatting support to their global clientele. Our team has access to advanced tools and resources, which help us deliver top-class formatting services to our patrons.
Are you looking for reliable KDP formatting services? Well, you are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Connect with us or talk to our customer support team and receive a callback from us at the earliest.