Use of ebook in eLearning tips
Most important features of eBooks are that they are printable, portable and can be used across multiple platforms. In addition to the said, they are interactive and highly effective, making them ideal for eLearning courses. These can easily be downloaded across various platforms like mobile devices, laptops, computers and so on. People can also explore the contents of these eBooks during their leisure time, even when they are on the move. There are several tips for using ebooks in eLearning; being acquainted with them assures maximum prolificacy.
Underlying are seven such tips that will help you to enhance your eLearning experience by using eBooks.
Availability across all formats
Your targets access eBooks online across different platforms. Accordingly, you should customize the format in which they are being downloaded. You can go for PDF format, ePub format and other varieties, as per the convenience and preference of your students. Make sure to do a research on the student base before you decide the format. You must use the format that is supported by most of the devices. In case you offer eBooks to third party websites, make sure that you adhere to their guidelines.
Features of adding text-to-speech
Most of the time, online learners are asked to go through a particular topic by means of text. They are in fact forced to let their imagination do the rest. However, people who are not creatively driven will find it difficult. In these cases, sound effects, audio narrations, and background audio should be used to make the eBooks engaging and interactive. Texts acted upon by voice can promote the quality of eLearning. Make sure that the readers are acquainted with technology. Your presentation must appeal to them when you plan for epub conversion.
The best degree of interactivity
EBooks can be made multi-sensory by adding interactive features in them. Learners crave for tactile elements that are better than passive learning strategies. They must be engaged with certain activities, like dragging and dropping objects, clicking on links and taking note. Evidently, you need to decide how much interactivity is necessary while opting read aloud epub conversion. People who are tech-savvy may crave for learning activities enriched with media. Other people might simply want the text to be read to them. Thus, you need to take care of their knowledge base and preferences of learning.
Incorporate eLearning activities that build skills
Multimedia content in eBooks can help the readers build their skills. Articles, eLearning videos, and other elements need to be incorporated in these files. The learners should be provided with the freedom to upload elements that they create, based on materials that they have read. It can be a video created by a learner, based on what he has learned through a particular eBook. You can enhance their technical skills and communication strategies. Besides, you can create a social media page for the eBook. The online readers will be able to share their opinions on this platform. It will enhance the overall level of communication. If needed, ebook conversion companies can assist you in this as well.
Include online resource links
After reading a particular section of a book, the online readers may require more information about the same. They bank on the internet to acquire more details about the topic. In order to ease up their learning process, you can include links that lead to appropriate sites to gather relevant information. You can provide links to an article or online tutorials that may be beneficial to them. A master resource list might also be included at the end. This will be beneficial for people who desire to go through the sub-topics.
A clickable content table should be included
Irrespective of the length of the page, a clickable table of contents must be included with all topic s in the eBooks. It will enable the readers to know the contents of the document without reading it entirely; they will surely appreciate that. These links must be provided at the beginning and must redirect to relevant pages. Bookmarks must be created throughout the document that may link to the table. Apart from this, you need to note whether the pages are properly numbered. They should be numbered correctly, making it easy to access for the learners. The headings of the chapters must also be included. You need your readers to pause where required. They should also be able to easily return where they had left.
Focus on typography
The right choice of font is extremely important in an eBook. If you try to be too creative with the fonts, it may hamper the readability. Fancy typography might make them partially sophisticated, but if you are not able to tackle this aspect, the letters might turn out to be illegible. This is evident on devices with small screens. Rather than benefit the publishers, they cause serious damage to their business. You should stick to the ordinary fonts and be creative in other areas of interactive animated ebook conversion. Include borders and images that are visually appealing. You may love to incorporate a typography that is non-traditional. Well, use it to a limited extent. For instance, you can use them in the headings of different chapters. This will grab the attention of learners to the needed extent only.
Benefits of Learning with eBooks
Learning has become more flexible with eBooks. Now, you do not have to sit in the traditional classroom for hours to learn something. Digital books have made online studying more affordable and convenient.
Below you will find other reasons why learning with eBooks is beneficial.
Today, eBooks are extensively used by people across various devices like smartphones and eReaders. The tech-savvy learners find it easy to use them and get access to the source of information whenever they need. These 7 tips will enhance your ability to get across to your learners in a more effective manner, making the contents accessible, engaging and interesting.
There are a lot of companies offering eBook formatting and conversion services. If you have any requirements in this regard, contacting experts in the field will surely help.